Since there were no Honduran restaurants in Los Angeles, we hoped to share our exquisite and unique Honduran flavor with you. This is how the Honduras Kitchen #1 came into being when it was founded in September of 1992, under the name El Dorados Kitchen. One year later, we moved to the Slausan and Santa Fe location, today known as Honduras Kitchen La Casa de La Sopa de Caracol or, The Home of the Caracol Soup. Six years later we expanded with a new Discotec so that you can enjoy the rhythms of live traditional Punta music from the North Coast. After 11 years since our first days we have opened the doors of Honduras Kitchen #2 in Long Beach. Our dream has come true! Maritza, Rafael And Their sons (the Larios family) give thanks to God and to you for your continued support. When you miss your homeland, your traditional food, your music, come and visit Honduras Kitchen